NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Project Proposal 2025
The Department of Physics at Carleton University invites applications for NSERC-sponsored student research positions in one of the fields of research conducted in our department:
Medical Physics
- Multiscale Monte Carlo simulations for radiation therapy
- 4D Monte Carlo simulation of anatomical changes during radiation therapy
- Raman Spectroscopy for Radiation Biodosimetry
- Volume-of-interest cone beam CT imaging
Particle Physics
- Research at the energy frontier with the ATLAS Detector
- SNOLAB - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Laboratory
- Particle Physics Theory
Some of these awards can be held in conjunction with the IPP Summer Student Fellowship Program: Undergraduate Research Experience at CERN & in Canada. The application deadline for this program is 11:00 PM EST, Friday, November 29th, 2024.
Students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, are currently in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th years of an honours physics program, and who have a cumulative average of at least A- are eligible. Normally, the position is for four months. The NSERC awards will be supplemented by researchers at Carleton. The amount of the subsidy has not yet been set but it will be such to give monthly stipends (which include vacation pay and benefits) of at least the following:
Students Completing 2nd year: $2,500.00 per month
Students Completing 3rd year: $2,600.00 per month
Students Completing 4th and 5th years: $2,700.00 per month
Application to the Physics Department USRA programme is a two step procedure:
1) Physics prescreen procedure: You must send an electronic copy of the following documents to Dr. Dag Gillberg (dag@physics.carleton.ca, please use the subject line "Physics USRA") by January 17, 2025 before 5:00 p.m.
- a) NSERC Form 202 Part I and transcript:
- b) Other documents:
- a resume
- an ordered preference list of research projects (as listed above). Wherever possible, we will try to assign you to your top choice of project.
- calculated CGPA.
If your application can be matched to a potential supervisor, you will be contacted by February 2025. This potential supervisor will fill out online the form 202 Part II and send you a copy (which is needed for the second step of the application procedure).
2) Application to the Faculty of Science: the deadline for submission of the completed application package is 4:00 PM EST, Friday, February 21, 2025. This should only be done after you have heard the result of the Physics prescreen.
For further information, contact: Dr. Dag Gillberg (dag@physics.carleton.ca)