Dr. Laurel Sinclair

About Dr. Laurel Sinclair
Research Summary
Dr. Laurel Sinclair is a senior researcher in applied science at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories out of Chalk River, Ontario. CNL is Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organization with priorities in Clean Energy, Environmental Stewardship, Health Sciences and Safety and Security. Dr. Sinclair’s interests include development of novel technologies and processes for detection and safeguarding of nuclear substances, as well as the nuclear fuel cycle and considerations for an eventual Accelerator-Driven System for Used Fuel Transmutation in Canada.
Selected Publications
1. N.J. Murtha, P.R.B. Saull, L.E. Sinclair, A.M.L. MacLeod, A. McCann, “A tomographic spatial-unfolding method for Compton gamma imaging measurements”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 278, September 2024, 107491
2. C. Liu, T. Koletic, K. Ungar, L. Trichtchenko, L. Sinclair, “Space weather monitoring with Health Canada’s terrestrial radiation monitoring network”, Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 12, 15 December 2023, Pages 5607-5625
3. N.J. Murtha, L.E. Sinclair, P.R.B. Saull, A. McCann, A.M.L. MacLeod, “Tomographic reconstruction of a spatially-extended source from the perimeter of a restricted-access zone using a SCoTSS Compton gamma imager”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 240, December 2021, 106758
4. Laurel E. Sinclair and Carolyn M. Chen, “Inspection of a Restricted Access Site Using UAV Perimeter Survey with the ARDUO Direction-Capable Gamma Spectrometer”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 178, 2779–2788 (2021)
5. B. Beckman, A R. Green, L.E. Sinclair, B. Fairbrother, T. Munsie, D. White, “Robotic Dispersal Technique for 35 GBq of 140La in an L-polygon Pattern”, Health Physics, Vol 118, Iss. 4, pages 448-457, April 2020
6. L.E. Sinclair, A. McCann, P.R.B. Saull, R.L. Mantifel, C.V.O. Ouellet, P-L. Drouin, A.M.L. Macleod, B. Le Gros, I. Summerell, J.H. Hovgaard, S.Monkhouse, F.Stanescu, G.Jonkmans, N.J. Murtha, “End-user experience with the SCoTSS Compton imager and directional survey spectrometer”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 954, 2020, 161683
7. C.M. Chen, L.E. Sinclair, R. Fortin, M. Coyle, C. Samson, “In-flight performance of the Advanced Radiation Detector for UAV Operations (ARDUO)”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Vol. 954, 21 February 2020, 161609
8. R.S. Woolf, L.E. Sinclair, R.A. Van Brabant, B.J.A. Harvey, B.F. Phlips, A.L. Hutcheson, E.G. Jackson, “Measurement of secondary cosmic-ray neutrons near the geomagnetic North Pole”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 198, 2019, Pages 189-199
9. L.E. Sinclair, R. Fortin, Spatial deconvolution of aerial radiometric survey and its application to the fallout from a radiological dispersal device, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 197, 2019, Pages 39-47
10. L.E. Sinclair, R. Fortin, J.L. Buckle, M.J. Coyle, R.A. Van Brabant, B.J.A. Harvey, H.C.J. Seywerd, M.W. McCurdy, Aerial Mobile Radiation Survey Following Detonation of a Radiological Dispersal Device, Health Physics Vol. 110 Iss. 5, p 458-470, May 2016
11. A.M.L. MacLeod, P.J. Boyle, D.S. Hanna, P.R.B. Saull, L.E. Sinclair, H.C.J. Seywerd, “Development of a Compton imager based on bars of scintillator”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Vol. 767, 2014, Pages 397-406
12. L.E. Sinclair, P.R.B. Saull, D.S. Hanna, H.C.J. Seywerd, A.M.L. MacLeod and P.J. Boyle, "Silicon Photomultiplier-Based Compton Telescope for Safety and Security (SCoTSS)," in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 2745-2752, Oct. 2014
13. P.R.B. Saull, L.E. Sinclair, H.C.J. Seywerd, D.S. Hanna, P.J. Boyle, A.M.L. MacLeod, “First demonstration of a Compton gamma imager based on silicon photomultipliers”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Vol. 679, 2012, Pages 89-96
14. L.E. Sinclair, H.C.J. Seywerd, R. Fortin, J.M. Carson, P.R.B. Saull, M.J. Coyle, R.A. Van Brabant, J.L. Buckle, S.M. Desjardins, R.M. Hall, Aerial measurement of radioxenon concentration off the west coast of Vancouver Island following the Fukushima reactor accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 102, Iss. 11, 2011, Pages 1018-1023
15. L. E. Sinclair, D. S. Hanna, A. M. L. MacLeod and P. R. B. Saull, "Simulations of a Scintillator Compton Gamma Imager for Safety and Security," in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1262-1268, June 2009