Awards and Scholarships

As a current undergraduate in the Department of Physics, you will automatically be considered for the following annual awards. No individual application is required on your part.

Charles Anthony Blundell Betts Memorial Scholarship in Physics (C.A.B.B.)

Awarded annually, when merited, to a student of high proficiency in Physics, entering or continuing in Physics Honours or in the Major program, in second or subsequent years of the degree program. Donors Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Betts of Birmingham, England, in memory of their son. Endowed in 1964.

E.P. (TED) Hincks Memorial Scholarship in Physics

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Physics to a student showing high proficiency in Physics and proceeding from one year to another of a full time undergraduate program in Physics, or Physics and an allied discipline. Established in 1984 in memory of the late Professor E.P. (Ted) Hincks, D.Sc.(Carleton), F.R.S.C., former Chair of the Department of Physics and a pioneer in the area of High Energy Physics.

E.P. Hincks Award of the Institute of Particle Physics (IPP)

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Physics, to an outstanding student in the Honours, Combined Honours, or Double Honours program in Physics at Carleton University. Donor, the Institute of Particle Physics. Established in 1984 in honour of the Institute’s founding President, E.P.(Ted) Hincks, D.Sc. F.R.S.C. The late Professor Hincks played a seminal role in the development of High Energy Physics in Canada and was Chair of the Department of Physics at Carleton University.

Trevor A. Harwood Memorial

Two awards of equal value will be presented annually to deserving undergraduate students who are proceeding from one year to another.  One student will be in the Earth Sciences (Geology) program and another in Physics.  Eligible recipients must demonstrate financial need.  Endowed in 1987 by an anonymous donor. Revised 2005.

Alumni Scholarship in Physics

Awarded annually when merited, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Physics, to an outstanding undergraduate student in the physics program who has demonstrated academic excellence. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in science outreach and/or science communication. 

Fourth-Year Project Prize

Awards are made each year to the student whose Fourth-Year project exhibits the best qualities of research and innovation.  These prizes are sponsored by NSERC with the goal of raising the profile of science and research amongst undergraduate students.

Dr. Michael Donkers Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

An award is made each year to an undergraduate TA who has excelled in his/her job.  The recipient is selected by the department. Funding is also provided by the department.

Previous Award Recipients