1. Why would I choose an Honours program?
Honours or four-year programs have many advantages, including offering more courses in your chosen field and access to co-op and internship opportunities where available, as well as preparing you for graduate studies, professional programs, and employment.
2. When do I have to declare a Major?
You will need to choose a Major by the end of your first year. Course registration is generally easier for students who have declared a Major, so even if you are not 100 percent certain, it is best to choose a Major upfront and change it later if you need to.
3. What are class sizes like in physics?
The first year physics class, PHYS 1001, generally has an enrollment of 60-80 students.
4. Are there labs?
Yes, each of the first year physics courses (PHYS 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1007 and 1008) has a three hour lab each week. Upper year courses vary in their lab portion, but you should expect that you will be taking labs in most years.
5. What's the difference between Applied Physics and Engineering Physics?
Applied Physics leads to a B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) degree, while the combined Engineering Physics degree leads to a B.Eng. (Bachelor of Engineering) degree. The Applied Physics degree has more flexibility to take courses depending on your interests in upper years, while the Engineering Physics degree satisfies accreditation with the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, and is thus a professional degree. Engineering Physics at Carleton is primarily semi-conductor and photonics oriented.
6. Do combined programs limit your career?
No, Combined programs provide you with a wider breadth of knowledge, opening up your physics degree to a large range of possible careers.
7. Where can I go for academic advice?
As a Carleton Physics student, your first stop for questions concerning your program should be the Department of Physics undergraduate program administrator or undergraduate advisor.
Two other excellent resourses are also available. The Carleton's Student Academic Success Centre offers a range of services including academic advising and free study-skill development workshops for undergraduates. Friendly academic advisers are available year-round (by appointment) to assist you with your educational planning needs.
The Science Student Success Centre is a central advising unit for students in science courses. SSSC help students achieve their goals by providing access to resources, workshops and activities that help improve their academic performance and enhance personal success.