H. Safigholi, M. J. P. Chamberland, R. E. P. Taylor, M. P. Martinov,
D. W. O. Rogers, and R. M. Thomson
This database is under construction and is available for review purposes only. The data must not be cited or referenced until the `Under construction' header is removed. Things are still changing.
The information contained in this CLRP TG-43 parameter database is provided for research and educational purposes only and must not be directly used for clinical applications unless explicitly recommended for clinical use by the appropriate professional body (e.g., AAPM).
About the CLRPv2 Database
This is the home of version 2 (v2) of the Carleton Laboratory for Radiotherapy Physics (CLRP) Database of TG-43 brachytherapy dosimetry parameters 1-3. The dosimetry parameters presented here were calculated using the EGSnrc application egs_brachy, a Monte Carlo code for doing rapid brachytherapy dose calculations 4.
On these pages, you will find a set of TG-43 dosimetry parameters for most of the brachytherapy sources listed in the Joint AAPM/RPC brachytherapy source registry. The aim of the present work is to create a comprehensive updated database of TG-43 dosimetry parameters using consistent methods for all sources. These data are made freely available to the public and we hope it will prove to be a valuable resource for the medical physics community.
Air kerma per history is always calculated using a tracklength estimator for photons above the threshold δ (10 keV as recommended for high-energy brachy sources) in a 10x10x0.05 cm3 air voxel located in vacuo on the transverse axis 100 cm away from the source and then corrected (kr2 = 1.00217) for lateral and thickness dimensions of the scoring voxel to give the air-kerma per history on the central axis at a point 100 cm from the source,s midpoint as discussed in previous studies 3,5,6. Air-kerma strength per history factors, SKhist, are then calculated by multiplying the air kerma per history at 100 cm by d2 =104. The air-kerma strength per history factors for all CLRPv2 high-energy sources are here.
Dose rate constants, Λ, are calculated by dividing the dose to water per history in a (0.1 mm)3 voxel centered on the reference position, (1 cm, Π/2), in the 80x80x80 cm3 water phantom, by the air-kerma strength per history factor, SKhist .
In-phantom dose calculations are generally done using tracklength scoring which ignores electron transport. However, as shown in our associated paper 3, electron transport has little effect except very close to the source and except for the Co-60 sources. Co-60 dose calculations are done with electron transport. The effects on g(r) can be greater than 1% out to radii of 6 or 7 mm although effects on F(r,θ) are only significant for radii < 0.25 cm near 0 and 180 degrees. For other radionuclides, the effects are only significantly closer to the source and not reported here. Examples of g(r) calculated with electron transport vs using tracklength scoring are provided on the pages of 4 representative sources, the Co-60 A86, the Cs-137 M11, the Yb-169, and the generic Ir-192. The calculations also ignore the dose due to the initial electrons directly from the radionuclides since it has been shown to be very small except very close to the source 3.
The voxel resolutions used with egs_brachy to calculate the TG-43 data are 0.1 mm for r ≤ 1 cm, 0.5 mm for 1 cm < r ≤ 5 cm, 1 mm for 5 cm < r ≤ 10 cm, and 2 mm for r > 10 cm.
The egs_brachy source models used to create this database will be made available as part of the egs_brachy distribution at https://github.com/clrp-code/egs_brachy.
Users of this database may also find other useful information on the CLRP Links page.
Brachytherapy Source Data:
For the current list of sources covered by TG-43 and the Joint AAPM/RPC brachytherapy source registry please visit the RPC website. Sources marked by an asterisk (*) indicate that the source was not on the previous version of the CLRP TG-43 Parameter Database (CLRPv1).
169Yb HDR Sources: |
137Cs LDR Seeds: |
192Ir LDR Seeds: |
192Ir PDR Sources: |
192Ir HDR Sources:
60Co HDR Sources: |
We ask that anyone using data found on this web page to please cite our report on this data set (H. Safigholi, M. J. P. Chamberland, R. E. P. Taylor, C, M. P. Martinov, D. W. O. Rogers, and R. M. Thomson, Update of the CLRP TG-43 Parameter Database for High-Energy Brachytherapy Sources, being submitted to Medical Physics, 2022.
- R. E. P. Taylor, D. W. O. Rogers, An EGSnrc Monte Carlo-calculated database of TG-43 parameters, Med. Phys., 35, 4228-4241, 2008
- R. E. P. Taylor, D. W. O. Rogers, More accurate fitting of 125I and 103Pd radial dose functions, Med. Phys., 35, 4242-4250, 2008
- H. Safigholi, M. J. P. Chamberland, R. E. P. Taylor, C, M. P. Martinov, D. W. O. Rogers, and R. M. Thomson, Update of the CLRP TG-43 Parameter Database for High-Energy Brachytherapy Sources, to be submitted to Med.Phys., 2022 (Current work).
- M Chamberland, RE Taylor, DWO Rogers, RM Thomson, egs_brachy: a versatile and fast Monte Carlo code for brachytherapy, Phys. Med. Biol., 23, 8214-8231, 2016
- R. E. P. Taylor, G. Yegin, and D. W. O. Rogers, Benchmarking BrachyDose: voxel-based EGSnrc Monte Carlo calculations of TG-43 dosimetry parameters, Med. Phys. 34, 445-570, 2007.
- D. W. O. Rogers, Inverse square corrections for FACs and WAFACs, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 153, 108638(8pp) (2019
Contact Information:
If you would like to know more about the CLRP TG-43 Database or to report problems, please contact:
David Rogers E-mail: drogersphysics [dot] carleton [dot] ca
Rowan Thomson E-mail: rthomsonphysics [dot] carleton [dot] ca
These pages were originally set up by Randy Taylor and Marc Chamberland and extensively updated by Habib Safigholi.
Important Note
The previous V1 version of the database is available here for archival purposes.