
Cosmology and Astrophysics of the Twin Higgs

Monday, November 19, 2018
2:30PM - 3:30PM

Speaker: David Curtin

The Twin Higgs model is an attractive solution to the little Hierarchy problem with top partners that are neutral under SM gauge charges. The framework is consistent with the null result of LHC colored top partner searches while offering many alternative discovery channels. Depending on model details, the phenomenology looks very different: either spectacular long-lived particle signals at colliders, or a plethora of unusual cosmological and astrophysical signatures via the existence of a predictive hidden sector. I will examine the latter possibility, and describe how the asymmetrically reheated Mirror Twin Higgs provides a predictive framework for a highly motivated and highly non-trivial interacting dark sector, with correlated signals in the CMB, Large Scale Structure, and direct detection searches, as well as higgs precision measurements at colliders. This provides a vivid example of the collider-cosmology complementarity, and motivates a variety of new astrophysical searches that are motivated by the hierarchy problem.

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