CLRP Eye Plaque Databases


CLRP Eye Plaque databases :

Citing these datasets

We ask that anyone using data found on this web page to please cite the appropriate paper in the Medical
Physics about these datasets.

For the  CLRP Eye Plaque database version2 (CLRP_EPv2) cite:

H Safigholi, Z Parsons, S Deering, and RM Thomson, Update of the CLRP eye plaque brachytherapy database for photon-emitting sources, Med. Phys. 48, (2021) 3373-3383.

For the  CLRP Eye Plaque database version1  cite:

R. M. Thomson, R. E. P. Taylor, and D. W. O. Rogers, Monte Carlo dosimetry for 125I and 103Pd eye plaque brachytherapy, Med. Phys. 35, (2008) 5530-5543.




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