As part of a project to study backscatter of kilovoltage electrons and positrons from various materials, a general purpose EGSnrc user-code was developed for simulating backscatter using the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo code. It scores backscatter coefficients, backscatter angular distributions and backscatter energy spectra for a variety of geometries. The results of this work are published in two papers.
Benchmarking EGSnrc in the kilovoltage energy range against experimental measurements of charged particle backscatter coefficients,
E. S. M. Ali and D. W. O. Rogers,
Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(2008) 1527 -- 1543
Energy spectra and angular distributions of charged particles backscattered from solid targets
E. S. M. Ali and D. W. O. Rogers,
Journal of Physics D 41(2008) 055505 (9pp)
For more information and instructions on how to install and use the code, see
Manual of backscatter_clrp: An EGSnrc user-code for backscatter calculations
The entire user_code distribution plus pdfs of the two papers are available as a tar file (4.4 Mbyte)
and a gziped version is available here (1.7 Mbyte)
In order to run this EGSnrc user-code, one must first install the EGSnrc system which is available at the distribution site for the EGSnrc Monte Carlo system. This system runs on Unix, Linux and Windows operating systems.
David Rogers E-mail: drogersphysics [dot] carleton [dot] ca
David Roger's Home page