Carleton SNO Group Members
The following people were involved with the SNO program at Carleton between 2001 and 2011.
Faculty Members:
- Alain Bellerive (Principal Investigator)
- Kevin Graham
- Richard Hemingway [retired]
- David Sinclair
- Peter Watson
Research Associates:
- Khalil Boudjemline [now senior Reseacrh Associate with CRTI]
- Feng Zhang [now private sector in Ottawa]
- David Waller [now Department of National Defence]
- Laurel Sinclair [now at NRC/CNRC]
- Ranpal Dosanjh [now PhD student U of Toroto]
Graduate Students:
- Pierre-Luc Drouin (Ph.D.)
- Etienne Rollin (MSc) [Graduated 2005 - PhD student on EXO]
- Olivier Simard (Ph.D.) [Graduated 2009 - Reseacr Fellow at CEA Saclay]
- Gordana Tesic (Ph.D.) [Graduated 2008 - Research Assciate at McGill University]
Faculty Members
3310 HP (613) 520 - 2600; Dept Chair ext. 1892 Research ext. 7537 |
3322 HP (613) 520 - 2600 Ext. 4373 |
Adjunct Professors
Distinguished Research Professor (613) 520 - 7536 |
Technical Staff
HP 2480 (613) 520-2600 Ext. 3205 |