News Story

Computer Meeting Minutes - June 21, 2011

Bill Jack

Attendees : Godfrey, Oakham, Sawakuchi

Staff: Antunes, Hong, Jack, Wang


  • Personnel
    1. Stephen Wang has been awarded the position of PC specialist which was recently allowed be staffed full time again. We'd like to congratulate Stephen on winning this position.


  • Data Server upgrade
    1. As per Wade's suggestion, we're looking into upgrading some of the older servers with new disks as a way to increase disk capacity at a lower cost. The first step will be to try to populate an old unused server with newer disks and see how that works. We could repopulate a number of servers with higher capacity disks depending on the requirement. Wade, Gerald and Bill to discuss options offline.


    1. There are about 10TBs of disk space free on our data disk servers out of 55TB.


  • Web Service Upgrade
    1. A student, Alawi, was hired part-time by Bill to assist with the migration of the research to the new Drupal CMS. He is being paid out of the CMO and will be with us until July 4. The migration is well underway with nine draft research group websites created on the new CMS. The migration is close to completion on about the half the sites. Two new sites, CRIPT and FOREWARN have been started fresh.


    1. We're working with the research groups to identify someone in each group to be the maintainer their research page once its been handed over the group once the upgrade has been done. We're also started training the people as required once they have been identified.


    1. Our student is only available to work until July 4, so the goal is complete all migration by then and have all research sites handed over to the site maintainers. The goal is to deploy the new research sites along with the main Physics web site the week of July 11. The OCIP site is a different matter as it includes an extensive interactive component based on PHP programs and a MYSQL database. We're also looking to rewrite the applications and offer this service on the new server. Wade has offered to reprogram the OCIP site. Bill will look into redoing the OCIP site and phasing out all the old info.


    1. Setting up the new faculty web pages will be looked into later in the summer after the other work has been completed.


  • Applications for Research groups
    1. Wade has set up wikis for CRIPT and FOREWARN simalar to the one set up for ATLAS.


  • CMO
    1. It was decided to defer any decisions regarding CMO contributions pending a review of existing infrastructure servers. The review could potentially lead toward purchasing equipment from the CMO surplus.


  • AOB
  1. Wade announced that a new MAC O/S will be available in July for $30 a copy. It will only be available through the apps store. It will be not be available on CDs..

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held some time later in 2011 . . . .

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