New Account Information

Your password should be changed immediately upon signing on for the first time. To change, use the command "yppasswd". Contact the system administrator, if you have not received your initial password or otherwise require assistance . You can login to the Physics Research facility using ssh on the command line or start up an X-windows session on a Sunray.

To login using ssh, contact system administrator to find out what servers you should be using for interactive access.

Useful Tools

  • PuTTY - ssh client (putty.exe)   Use Putty to ssh to our unix servers from local or remote PCs. Works on any Windows platform. Downloadable from
  • WinSCP - secure FTP  WinSCP lets you transfer multiple files very easily. It works on any Windows platform.  Downloadable from

To start an X-Windows session on a local Sunray:

  • If you are presented with a Solaris "Welcome to thokk" window, click on Options and choose "Remote Login" and "Choose host from list". Do not attempt to login to "thokk". You will be directed to a chooser window and can follow the instruction below.
  • If you are presented with a chooser window, double click on the two XDM servers listed and then sign on.

By default, you will start up an FVWM2 X-windows session. More info at

The Firefox web browser and Thunderbird email client are both available from the main FVWM2 chooser.  Openoffice, an office applications package and an open source no-cost alternative to Microsoft Office is available by entering "soffice" on the command line. Openoffice can read and produce WORD, XLS or PPT documents and can used to for any common "office" tasks.

Emacs is the recommended editor and is available on all nodes in line or X-windows mode.

General Physics Computing information is available at: General Information

If you require assistance or if you have any questions, please contact the System Administrator

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