
  • Course outline
  • 4202 sample exam
  • Carroll-Ostlie sections covered
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  • A sample exam for 4202 (Cosmology) is posted here. Although the material will be different (obviously!) the style will be the same.

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    This shows the sections in Carroll-Ostlie that I have covered

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    1. Background Physics: almost all stuff you know.
      1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Spectroscopy,
      2. Telescopes
      3. Nuclear/Particle Physics
    2. Background Astronomy:
      1. Measurements and Coordinate Systems
      2. Celestial Mechanics
      3. The Sun
      4. Stars: Observation and Classification
    3. Now we will do stellar astrophysics properly
      1. Stellar Atmospheres
      2. Stellar Structure: the basics
      3. The Sun: Solar cycle and Neutrinos
      4. The Interstellar Medium
      5. White Dwarfs and Supernova theory
      6. Neutron Stars and Black Holes,
      7. Variable Stars
    4. Bonus stuff if we have time.
      1. Galaxies and quasars
      2. The size of the Universe
      3. Introduction to Cosmology,